3D Modeling

Eternal Badges

Digital souvenirs for players and fans a like. 


Designer, 3D Artist




Cinema 4D, Redshift


Eternal needed to reward users who completed Quests or started Creator Passes.

Eternal needed to reward users who completed Quests or started Creator Passes.


Eternal users receive badges after completing a Quest related to a Pack Drop or after completing the first level of a Creator Pass. 


01 Pack Drop


02 Creator Pass


Click anyone of the badges below to see an in-depth description. 


Collector Pack Badge / PogChamps

This pack contained clips all from PogChamp4. So, we needed chess related badges. 


Thought Process

PogChamps had an online chess tournament and we were partnering with them. Therefore, this was a great opportunity to sell packs and give our new users a momento for being apart of the quest we created. We decided to make these badges in the style of chess pieces as a result. 

Timeline 2 Days


Making the King piece wasn't too hard because it was easily made with a lathe. Figuring out how to create the background shape with the polgon pen took some trial and error.

For the other piece, I started off with a Rook; however, my lead wanted something different. She pushed for a Knight. Therefore, I took a horse model and deleted the body polygons. I brought his this model into ZBrush, where I shaped the horse to look more like a knight in low polygon form. I constructed the base in Cinema 4D and stitched the two pieces together there. I brought it back into ZBrush to make the form more detailed. 


Process Photos


Collector Pack Badge / Appetite

Appetite featured 4 very different Creators, unified under one palate.









Thought Process

For this design, I decided to represent each creator with a symbol. Cupahnoodle already represents herself with noodles, so that was easy. Iyoxin and kajzoo both play World of Tanks; therefore, they are represented with little tanks. Lastly, JesusAVGN chats on his Twitch channel and is represented here with a microphone. 

Timeline 2 Days


The tanks and microphone are all composed of simple shapes, except the wheels of the tank required the polygon pen. I made the badge shape in Illustrator, then I used the polygen pen and the symmetry tool. 

Collector Pack Badge / Rust

The Rust Pack contained 3 different Twitch Streamers, who all played the game, Rust.







Thought Process

I pulled from a lot of Rust imagery, namely the landscapes found within the game. The pack design had vector illustrations of these. Therefore, I thought I'd model them. The texture of the text of course had to be rust. 

Timeline 2 Days


The satellite, water tower, helicopter are all composed of simple shapes. The landscape primitive came in handy here for the mountains. I made the badge shape in Illustrator, then I used the polygen pen and the symmetry tool to make it just right. The trees are licensed.

Creator Pass Badge / Anna Demetriou

Anna Demetriou is a Twitch Streamer with a tight-knit community on Discord.


Anna Demetriou

Thought Process

Anna Demetriou has a very close relationship with her Twitch fan base. She refers to herself as the motherhen and her fans as chicks. Therefore, I thought is would be great to create a badge that communicates her love to her fans, her little chicks. 

Timeline 2 Days

Thought Process

Anna Demetriou has a very close relationship with her Twitch fan base. She refers to herself as the motherhen and her fans as chicks. Therefore, I thought is would be great to create a badge that communicates her love to her fans, her little chicks. 

Creator Pass Badge / Amouranth

We created a Creator Pass for Amouranth's fans and needed a badge to match. 



Thought Process

Amouranth is a Twitch streamer known for her ASMR videos. Little less know is that she loves riding horses. For the pack, we chose a Western theme to embrace this other side of her. She is also very girly; therefore, there are a lot of pink elements. I copied a lot of the vector elements from the approved pack design for consistency, like the stars and the dog. Also, I thought to add a rope for more of the Western flare.

Timeline 2 Days


I made the heart shape with the Polygon Pen. The rope was made with a spline tool and a cloner. I used a texture blender for the heart so I could add a repeating star texure, to which I gave some emission to make them pop. 

Creator Pass Badge / Murda

Murda loves hood style and his badge had to embrace that to the fullest. 



Thought Process

Murda races cars and streams a lot about his car on Twitch. For this design, I thought I would take the hood style to an extreme by bringing in a lot of textures and colors and Blackletter font. 

Timeline 2 Days


For the badge shape, I used the polygon pen. I thought this more complicated shape would compliment the style. The enclosing badge shape has a noise blend of a silver texture with a brick texure. Over that, I added multiple layers of spray paint in the same material blender. I added gold foil texure for the trim. The Blackletter text behind the vehicle has a glass texure with a higher dispersion within the Transmission to give grafitti-like colors. Due to time constraint, the car is licensed.



Each badge has a very unique style. If I had more hindsight, I would have approached these differently. Nevertheless, these turned out to be a great momento for Eternal users.